First, let me start out by saying that power outages suck. We have very frequent ‘coupures’ here in Dakar in all different neighborhoods, and we have been having quite a few more than normal- as in multiple times a day sometimes for hours. It sucks. So I’m writing this blog on Friday but not sure when it will actually be posted. Just an FYI.
Ok, moving on from that- this has been a really good final week here. I had my last final on Tuesday and handed in my last paper on Thursday (not the best thing I’ve ever written, but I learned a lot about tontines, which are women’s saving groups).
This past weekend we had a group dinner with all of our professors at a nice restaurant, and Orchestra Baobaob performed! A world famous awesome group, so it was really cool to have them just for us. Then on Saturday a huge majority of us went to the
On Monday we had a ‘re-entry session’ with the entire group, just as a beginning opportunity to start thinking about readjusting. It is weird to think about how it all has gone. Returning to
I’m not quite sure how much or in what ways I’ll miss
It’s hard to say whether or not I’ll miss all of the insane driving, the horrible pollution, the beggars and other negative things, but they all really add to what it is like to be here. The vibrancy and the life of this city and country are at times sad, but there is so much here that adds to the adventure of everyday life. I think that I’ll miss that, the random occurrences or the odd sightings or the vendors trying to sell you a set of plates through your cab window. And I’ll never get over the livestock (particularly the large cows/bulls) lazily crossing the street.
Other things have been going well this past week(s). I feel like I’ve really grown to like my family and feel much more comfortable there overall. I especially really love my little brothers. They are just SO much fun to get to come home to every day and they are always really excited to see me, which is a wonderful feeling. I think that they’re quite sad about me going- one of them has taken to asking me every time I leave where I am going and when I will be coming back. We have a fete planned at a nearby house (2 goats were slaughtered- big deal) for program people to invite their family members too, so I’m excited to bring my brothers along. Overall I am really lucky for the host family that I got. I didn’t end up becoming extremely close with anyone, but I think that it was a really important and great cultural experience, and without it there is no way that my semester would have been the same. For a goodbye gift for my family, since I couldn’t think of anything great, I’ve decided to help cook/fund our lunch on Monday. As I believe I’ve mentioned before I LOVE Yassa Poulet (Ginaar/Chicken) so on Sunday I’m going to go and buy three chickens. I’m not sure if they’ll be alive or what, but I’ll let you know. Then on Monday I’m going to ‘help’ Yande cook our lunch, which will be my last meal at the house. Quite fitting I do believe. Plus my brothers are excited for the special meal and keep asking me when I’m going to go and buy the Ginaars. Should be fun!
It’s been odd saying goodbye to people this week, just because it has been happening so sporadically. Some people have left on trips to other parts of West Africa (some people are actually crazy enough to go to
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