Thursday, January 18, 2007

my classes!

So I finally registered for my classes today! I was one of the quickest, which was good considering how behind we were. Some people were disappointed because they did not place into the French level that they had hoped to, so they were unable to take the classes they had planned on. Thankfully I ended up just where I wanted to be! I am in the Advanced French II (grammer, here I come, eek!), beginner Wolof (just like everyone else), contemporary Senegalese Culture and Society (everyone takes this one together, and its taught in English), Histoire d'Islam (taught in French) and Anthropologie du Societe Sengalese (taught in French). We'll have to see how they go, but for now I'm excited. This means I have class mon-thurs starting at 9am, and the latest I end is at 5.30 (plenty of time to walk home in daylight for dinner).
This evening we have an orientation about the family homestays, and maybe, just maybe, I'll find out about my family! I'm still very eager to learn more. As for the rest of the day, just some chilling out!
Yesterday we drove around to visit some of the other education institutions in Dakar, and it was crazy driving around! The town is so bustling, with people everywhere, and I have yet to even go into downtown (that happens on Saturday). We also went to Universite Chiek Anta Diop, which is the major university here, and it was insane to see it. There are 40,000 students and the school is meant for about 20,000, and it is incredibly underfunded and understaffed, yet the students are very dedicated and do the very best with what they can. However, the opportunities are limited, and its so unfortunate to see how people want and education so badly, and its available in theory, but it just doesnt manage to provide what it should. A very educational experience. Ok, well thats all for now. Lunchtime for me!

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