Thursday, April 5, 2007

Haven't written in a long time

I just realized that it has been quite some time since I’ve written about anything going on here, and I think I know why. Before I was writing because I was dissecting things here, noticing all of the little things. Not that I’m not still doing that, but I have also started to settle into life here a little bit better, find my niche and have fun here. I’ve just had a great string of good/great days here, which I have been very aware of and really glad to have. I think that some other people are hitting this same period at this time as well, feeling more comfortable in their homestays, finding fun things to do, happier in Dakar, that sort of thing. It’s not perfect but I am a heck of a lot happier than I was on a regular basis.

One contribution to this is that there is a new café that just opened up not too far from me, just around the corner from my friend Alec’s house, so we’ve been frequenting it. I really like the café environment (surprise surprise!) and have loved going there and playing cards or scrabble and having a good cappuccino. The people that go are both American and Senegalese so I’ve been hanging out with Senegalese people a lot more recently (also Alec’s family, who are a ton of fun and very welcoming).

It has been hard here meeting Senegalese people because the women tend to keep to themselves separate from men and aren’t very interested in having American friends. As for the Senegalese men, they ask pretty much right away if you have a husband (or serious boyfriend). It is very frustrating because they don’t take a boyfriend in the US as a deterrent, which means I lie and say I have a husband/boyfriend here. Sometimes it is just with the taxi-driver who is inquiring, but often it is other places and gets to be really annoying. In the US guys and girls are friends but here not so much. So the first thought (and it is usually right) is that if a Senegalese wants to talk to you, he plans on asking you out. It has been a great change to just hang out with locals and play some Uno (which they’re into here I guess).

My family is also still going well, which is nice. I don’t spend a whole ton of time at home but I always feel really welcomed by them and they are very chill about me not being at home all of the time. I have friends here who are expected to be at home a lot more or get chastised for going out so much (they have strange situations though that are hard to explain and they are still very happy with their situations). I don’t go out all that much (at least not very late) so they don’t mind it because it is acceptable behavior. Overall it continues to go well and I am starting to enjoy the food we have- it takes a little while to get to that point, but I’d say I’m there by now!

Also knowing what my rural visit will be has been a big help. Previously it was this looming, unknown event that I felt like I was going to get tossed into, and I felt awkward because other people were so excited to have this experience that I just wasn’t into. But now that I know what all I’m doing (or at least roughly) I am looking more forward to it, and am curious to see what will happen. It should be a good challenge but nothing too extreme. I have some friends who are going to really tiny villages of 150 people who only speak Pulaar (another native language here) and that’s just not what I’m here for. I’m glad to be going to a French and Wolof speaking area, which will be a good use of my skills (hopefully!).

I also did batik again this past Sunday and yet again had a great time. It’s definitely an art form but one in which perfection isn’t necessary. The guy who teaches it is also really nice and it’s fun to spend a morning chilling on his roof doing some art and listening to music. I’m also really excited because I asked him to make me a large piece showing a family eating around a bowl- it’s gonna be a pretty decent size, so I hope I have a large wall in my apartment in DC! I wanted to think of something that I really identify with from my experiences in Senegal, and I think that eating around the bowl really embodies that for me. I’ll take pictures when I get it- Friday, in’challah.

Ok, dinner time for me! I’ll try to get another blog posted before leaving for my trip. I’m either going on Sunday or Monday- my travel partner and I both have things we want to do this weekend, so we’re going to hold of traveling until then. I’m personally planning on visiting the fabric market- I just cannot get enough of it!

Late Night Add-On: I just spent the last hour or so helping one of my aunts with her English. That was fun! It’s not a ton of grammar and mostly just phrases, but hopefully it was helpful. I wrote down a bunch of sentences for her in a workbook that she has to help her remember all of it. Glad to be of help around here!

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