Saturday, February 24, 2007

Elections in Senegal

Tomorrow is a big day here in Senegal- the presidential elections, which happen once every 7 years. I'll do my best to sum up what is going on. The current president, Wade, is running for another term in office. He is Senegal's third president (the others before held very long terms) and some Senegalese have been very happy with him. Here they seem very into buildings and roads, but more starting them than finishing them. Thus his term was spent on buildings that are only half completed (some are completed) and a lot of roads that are under construction. So he has a lot of work to finish up here, which is why a lot of people would vote for him. But wait- there are 14 other candidates, all of whom point out that Wade is 83 (or therabouts, we're not really sure) and probably such an old man isn't the best idea for president. One of his strongest opponents is his former Prime Minister, Seck, who's shocking departure came a few years ago.
The people here are very into the election, and a high percentage (no idea of what it is exactly) of somewhere in the 70% range actually vote, with a particularly strong youth-voter turnout. It's very encouraging seeing people so involved in their future (if only we did a better job in the US). However here it is hard to understand what exactly candidates stand for, and their promises are all the same, even moreso than you might think in the US. It's hard to understand what a candidate is really interested in doing or how they will differ from another candidate- everyone wants very similar things for Senegal.
Not too much violence thus far- people are supposed to not demonstrate today, in order to rest up for tomorrow, so hopefully things will be calm. But the past week or so have been full of people rallying for their candidate, and there is always stuff on TV (every candidate recieves 5min airtime to show whatever they want on the government news station) and people sporting their party colors. Inchallah it all goes off without a hitch tomorrow, and things resume to normal, but who knows. Reactions will be strong whether Wade remains in office or not- some people really hate him and others want to see him finish what he has started. My host family supports Wade, mostly because they think he should finish things up.
Hope everyone is safe and well!

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