Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Learning Wolof

So thus far I've made some progress in my Wolof abilities. There are times when I cannot believe that I'm learning some random African language, and it feels pretty cool. Then I get home and try to listen in on converstations, and I can only manage to pick up bits and pieces of what is being said. It also has to do with how much I can manage to remember and put into things- its mostly greetings and goodbyes that I can do. When I get home people ask me how school is and how my family is in the states, which is just the gereral curteousy given to everyone. It just goes so quickly when they speak that I can't keep up!!! I think that by the end I'll have a better grasp on things and be able to follow along better. I'm still waiting for things to click and to start following along better.
In other language news, French is going well and I'm managing to follow along in my different classes that are taught in French. It's encouraging and a good feeling, but it will be seen how the papers end up going. I have a presentation tomorrow in my Social Anthropology class on Wolof Marriages- lets hope it goes well!
In other news, it is HOT here. Really HOT. And no air conditioning. Sometimes its really horrible, which stinks (but I do have a fan in my room, which is a plus bc if I leave my door open to circulate air A)flies come in B)mosquitoes come in C) my little brothers come in.) I've got to remember to stay good and hydrated amidst all of this heat (but it probably is better than being in the cold back home).
I hope everyone has a wonderful and lovely Valentines day- and yes, they do celebrate it here in Senegal. It's kind of odd because it's not as 'hallmark' but it is on its way to becoming very Hallmark, if you give it time!

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